• What are signs and areas where you might question whether you are in compliance with ADA?
Accessible Design Consulting, LLC
Pittsburgh Office
Phone: 800.248.0430
Fax: 800.248.0430

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"I sit on the board of a mid-cap company and served as the Chairman of the Board's HR Committee. After a competitive RFP process that included the largest HR consulting firms in the country, we retained Rodney Cottrell of Corporate Compensation Partners. I personally reviewed all RFP responses and sat through the presentations of the short-listed firms. Both his RFP response and personal interview were of a quality vastly superior to that of the other firms. Rodney worked with us to create a reasonable and effective Long Term Incentive Program for our company that has met with great success with our management team. We subsequently retained him to advise us on other HR-related issues and he continues to serve as an advisor to the board. I would highly recommend Rodney to companies, large or small."